Short Biography
Studied Political Sciences, Sociology and Law at Frankfurt/Main, Southampton
and Paris .
1996 PhD in political science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University in Frankfurt/Main.
1997-2006 assistant professor of sociology at Wuppertal University [click
2001 visiting fellow at Goldsmiths College ( London ).
2003 visiting fellow at New York University .
Since 2002 research fellow at the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt/Main
[click here].
2007 Heisenberg-Fellowship from the German Science Foundation (DFG) [click].
Current research project
"Report on social implications of predictive genetic testing" (together
with Prof. Dr. Regine Kollek, sponsered by the Federal Association of
Local Health Funds (AOK-Bundesverband)
Partner in the PRIVILEGED project (»Determining the Ethical and
Legal Interests in Privacy and Data Protection for Research Involving
the Use of Genetic Databases and Bio-banks«, funded by the European
Commission. [click]
Research interests
Social and political theory, sociology of organization, biopolitics,
social studies of genetic and reproductive technologies.
Activities and memberships
- Member of the editorial board of the journal »Foucault Studies« [click]
- Co-editor of »Distinktion. Scandinavian Journal of Social
Theory« [click]
- Member of the German Sociological Association (Deutsche Gesellschaft
für Soziologie: DGS) and the sections on »cultural sociology« and »studies
of science and technology«
- Member of the International Sociological Association (ISA), the
Research Committees »Sociological Theory« and »Sociology
of Science and Technology« and the Working Group »The Body
in the Social Sciences«